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文章导读: 如果你回收废弃的空塑料水瓶,却懒得丢掉它们,为什么不试着将这些碍眼的垃圾变成迷人的艺术品呢?

If your recycling bin overfloweth with empty plastic water bottles and you're just too lazy to take them to the curb, why not turn them from an eyesore into a lovely centerpiece with this 3D-printed web of bottlecaps? All you need to do is scrounge up twelve similarly sized bottles and you've got yourself a one-of-a-kind vase that can hold an entire bouquet of flowers.

Available in black or green, the Screw You Vase does require you to add flowers and water for your centerpiece to take shape, but that's it. Well, flowers, water, and $175 since after all these are 3D printed which is a time consuming process. If you can think of a cheaper way to turn a plastic water bottle into a vase, we'd like to hear it. [Layers via designboom]

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