Cover Story
P14| Celebrating the 20th Anniversary ofMacao's Return to the Motherland
Macao has once again stood at the newbeginning of history
On Dec 20, 2019, Macao will celebrate the20th anniversary of its return to the motherland. Over the past two decades,Macao, embracing “a tiny area” of only 30.3 square kilometers, has understoodand carried out completely the "one country, two systems" principle,and achieved fruitful achievement in “the people of Macao governing Macao”. TheMacao Special Administrative Region(SAR) has made significant achievement in arapidly developing economy, continuous improvement of people's livelihood, andsocial stability and harmony. Macao's development achievements over the past 20years have demonstrated to the world the successful practice of the "onecountry, two systems" principle with characteristics of Macao.
After 20 years of rapid development, Macaohas once again stood at the new beginning of history.
The Outline Development Plan for theGuangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, issued in February 2019, pointedout the direction for Macao's further development. As one of the four centralcities in the development and construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-MacaoGreater Bay Area, Macao is poised to become a world center of tourism andleisure, a business cooperation service platform between China andPortuguese-speaking countries, and a communication and cooperation base withChinese culture as the mainstream and multicultural coexistence.
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