Cover Story
P14| Huawei's World View
On June 17, the United States"blocked" Huawei for more than a month, Ren Zhengfei, founder andPresident of Huawei, appeared again. He had a coffee conversation withProfessor Nicholas Negroponte, one of the founders of MIT Media Lab, a renowned"technological visionary", futurist, venture investor George Gilder,and Chen Lifang, senior vice president and director of Huawei.
The two American thinkers were invited toChina for the coffee conversation with Ren Zhengfei at a time when Huawei wasdeemed to be in the most critical position.
This coffee dialogue exchanged not onlyabout the impact of the "blockade" of Huawei in the United States,whether China and the United States will break out the Cold War on Science andTechnology, but also about the future trend.
But after reading Ren Zhengfei's speech inthis coffee conversation and contacting his recent comments in the face of themedia, we can also outline "Huawei's world outlook" in addition tothe "bottom spirit" repeatedly expressed in response to challenges.
What is Huawei's world view? Perhaps thebest explanation is Ren Zhengfei's last words in this coffee conversation - Ithink the world is win-win cooperation.
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