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文章导读: 9月4日下午,由中国人民大学主办、该校重要智库重阳金融研究院承办的主题为“大金融与综合增长的世界”的第二届20国智库论坛在京圆满落幕。


经济网讯(见习记者 邹坚贞)9月4日下午,由中国人民大学主办、该校重要智库重阳金融研究院承办的主题为“大金融与综合增长的世界”的第二届20国智库论坛在京圆满落幕。在闭幕前,人大重阳发布了题为《重塑全球金融治理:G20面临的挑战及应对》的研究报告,这份堪称中国首份G20智库报告指出,“中国作为全球增长的‘发动机’,有意愿、有能力担任2016年G20主席国,为分享中国发展经验、实现全球强劲、可持续的增长目标而努力。” 并倡议由中国承办2016年G20峰会。随后论坛聚集各国智库精英的智慧,发表了《大金融与综合增长的世界:第二届G20智库论坛共同声明》。声明呼吁中国举办2016年G20首脑峰会,让全球经济分享中国发展“高速列车”带来的机遇。





另外,共同声明还倡议探索建立G20智库合作网,以建立常态化的智库间国际沟通渠道,更好地服务于G20机制的发展,并呼吁G20的智库重视研究包括综合增长战略、 国际金融治理合作、贸易便利化与促进就业等在内的十大问题。









Great Finance andGlobal Comprehensive Growth

— Second Annual G20Think Tank Summit

September 3-4, 2014Beijing · China

Joint Statement


1. We, thinktank experts from G20 members, international organizations, and regionalcommunities, convened the “Great Finance and Global Comprehensive Growth”Second Annual G20 Think Tank Summit in Beijing from September 3rd to4th, 2014. Based on the joint statementreleased at the first G20 Think Tank Summit in 2013, we explored paths toimprove G20 think tank cooperation networks in order to better serve thedevelopment of the G20 mechanism.


2. We are readyto support the G20 members to promote multilateralism, determine internationalrules through consultation and negotiation, deepen international coordinationmechanisms on all levels, and jointly address global challenges.

3. 金融危机6年来,G20机制为全球经济的复苏做出了重大贡献。G20机制需要得到延续并使其在未来发挥更大作用。不少与会代表呼吁,要让中国能够主办2016年G20峰会,这将有助于探索解决方案,实现2014年G20财政部长和央行行长会议所提出的,到2019年将G20整体GDP在现有预期基础上再提高至少2%的增长目标:这个目标同样得到了国际货币基金组织(IMF)、经合组织(OECD)和世界银行的支持。

3. Six yearsafter the global financial crisis, the G20 has made important contributions tothe global economic recovery. The G20 should continue, and play an even greaterrole in the future. Many delegates have expressed a wish for China to host the 2016G20 Summit. This will help find solutions to realize thetarget of lifting the total GDP of the G20 by more than 2% above the levelimplied by current policies by 2019 a goal set during a G20 Finance Ministersand Central Bank Governors meeting in 2014, and supported by the IMF, the OECDand the World Bank.

4. 当前,世界经济出现复苏趋势,但国际金融体系中仍存在诸多风险,强劲、平衡和可持续的增长仍未确立。许多发达经济体依然存在失业率、赤字率和债务率高企等问题,不少发展中国家面临金融稳定性的担忧。如何实现G20制定的目标:在未来5年中使G20整体GDP在当前预期水平上再增加2%,这需要G20智库界的专家们贡献智慧。我们将支持G20各成员方加强宏观经济政策沟通与协调,以使政策调整可能带来的负面外溢效应最小化。

4. The worldeconomy is showing signs of recovery, but there are still a number of risks inthe international financial system, and strong, balanced, and sustainablegrowth has not emerged. Many developed economies are confronted with highunemployment, and with high deficit and debt ratios, and developing economiesare concerned by financial instability. The efforts to increase the G20’scollective GDP by an additional 2% by 2019, will benefit from the expertise ofG20 think tank experts. We will support G20 members to enhance macroeconomicpolicy communication and coordination in order to minimize the negativespillover effects of policy adjustments.

5. 全球金融治理体系改革已进入关键阶段,我们期待全球金融治理架构朝更加有助于解决发展问题的方向改进。我们希望G20将继续创造更多渠道使智库界参与和影响大金融治理对话和多边谈判、国际金融架构的完善和维护全球经济稳定。我们将支持二十国集团各成员及有关各方加强金融改革研究和金融政策对话,增加发展中国家以及最不发达国家的话语权。

5. Reform of theglobal financial governance system has entered a key stage, and we hope thatglobal financial governance will become more conducive to problem solving fordevelopment. We hope that the G20 will continue to create more channels forthink tanks to participate in and influence dialogues and multilateralnegotiations on great finance, the improvement of the global financialarchitecture, and the maintenance of global economic stability. We offersupport to the G20 members and other concerned parties to enhance research onfinancial reform and financial policy dialogue, and to give a greater voice todeveloping and least developed countries.


6. Theinternational financial system must be in line with industrial transformation,so as to lead the global economy on a path of strong, sustainable, and balancedgrowth. We will offer support to the G20 to pay close attention to therelationship between global finance and the real economy from a globalperspective, and to stress the formation of a shared financial worldview.


7. We have thecommon interest and will to deepen communication on a wide array of globalissues. We are willing to discuss how to promote an open world economy torealize efficient resource allocation, the free flow of goods and capital, andfair competition in order to benefit all. The capabilities and levels ofdevelopment in different countries vary, but we are convinced that allcountries should enjoy equal rights, opportunities, and participation in globaleconomic, financial, and trade matters.

8. 我们呼吁G20的智库重视下列问题,并就这些问题加强沟通、开展合作研究:

8. We call forG20 think tanks to emphasize the following issues, and to enhance communicationand conduct joint research regarding these issues:

1) 综合增长和就业战略;

2) 国际反腐败的合作;

3) 贸易自由化、便利化与融资;

4) 跨国资金流动与逃税避税;

5) 全球货币与金融监管的治理和合作;

6) 国际投融资,尤其是基础设施和中小企业;


8) 金融教育与金融消费者保护议程的国际合作;

9) 金融包容性;


11) 主权债务的重置;


1) Comprehensivegrowth and employment strategies;

2) Internationalcooperation on anti-corruption;

3) Tradeliberalization, facilitation and finance;

4) Cross-bordercapital flows, tax avoidance and evasion;

5) Globalmonetary and financial regulation governance and cooperation;

6) Internationalinvestment and financing, particularly in infrastructure and SMEs;

7) The operationof rating agencies;

8) Internationalcooperation on financial education and protection for consumers of financialservices;

9) Financialinclusion;

10)Interlinkages among social, economic and environmental issues;

11) Sovereigndebt restructuring; and

12)Implementation of G20 commitments. 

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